
From Our



February 25th 2018

I Am The Jack Of Clubs

In: Post By: Robin


Every Friday I like to treat myself to a bagel at a local breakfast joint. I give out my order and the cashier will reward me with a playing card to be called out when my food is ready. Today, I took a long glance at my card and had a sudden urge to look up its meaning. Yeah, I really dig that stuff. I feel that the cosmos like to throw subtle hints at us to look at things a little more closely and from a different perspective. So I fired up Google on my phone to reveal the meaning behind the Jack of Clubs.

“One bright idea after another, the Jack of Clubs is one truly creative individual. Problem solving comes naturally to them as they enjoy the mental gymnastics of solution finding. Blessed with powerful reasoning skills and mental agility, this Jack loves learning something new and inspiring others with that knowlege…”

Whoa, the cosmos nailed it! Completely intrigued, I continued to read on.

The online profile talked about the Jack of Clubs desiring respect for their ideas and the freedom to create without any hesitation to defend their thoughts and ideals. Check, check and a big check, on that! The write-up concluded,

“people of this card and suit are here to experience life and themselves through their mental nature, thoughts/thinking, communication/language, information/knowledge and education.”

Now, how's that for #FridayMotivation?

“Jack of Clubs!” I snapped back into reality with the cashier calling my card and smiled as I grabbed my bagel to go back to my graphic design work and finalize my lesson plan on typography for Monday.

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